二〇二二 五月
May 2022
Chinese teachers often stress a point to kids that learning is like building a house, and you have to lay a firm foundation. The very correct but unoriginal advice sounds unattractive. Smart kids are always intrigued by interesting puzzles and brain teasers, and the basic knowledge is for their mediocre peers who cannot grasp the point quickly enough. Brilliant ones should have understood it before they were born, we kids thought this to ourselves.
But in fact, the true genius resembles a complete fool in many ways that they are both always struggled with basic questions. For instance, what would have happened if I traveled as fast as light. Albert Einstein asked. To clarify, I did not mean to repeat a well-known story or re-stress old wisdom, but I felt compelled to prove that my Chinese teachers were not lying. The old—laying a firm foundation—saying is not just some cliche as many others, and it might work as a silver bullet. Undoubtedly, my teacher will look at me like seeing a self-fulfilling prophecy and say: “I told you so.” But I am not going to mind that, considering the advice is actual.
Let’s refocus on physics from Albert Einstein. Another great physicist Richard Feynman once framed a question in his physics lecture notes—which law of physics should we pass on if there is a destruction of all knowledge. Feynman answered himself that the world is made of atoms. The incisive Q&A reveals a great insight, where many complicated and valuable deductions from macroworld to microworld can draw from a fundamental problem. A solution to a basic question is powerful enough to guide humans in finding out how the world works.
Feynman was recruited as an MIT Ph.D. student to participate in the Manhattan Project to bring about the atomic boom when he was 24. Eighty years ago, the young Physics Ph.D. went to Tennessee to build nuclear weapons. While eighty years later, the young Physics PhD.s went to Wall Street to devise financial derivatives. Still, they could all be answering a question of similar fundamentality. The former one was, “How to quickly end a war?” And they provided an answer so well that the current question becomes, “What else could I do without a war?” The comparison might be a bit cynical. But adequately answering a fundamental question almost always renders far-reaching implications. If the time to solve problems is limited, I would like to spend it on those fundamental ones.
The elegant Geometry that fascinated Ancient Greek for centuries was built upon several uncomplicated hypotheses. They are like “one, and only one line can be drawn passing through two given points,” “parallel lines never intersect,” “A line is straight and extends infinitely in the opposite directions,” etc. Via making those five fundamental hypotheses, the temple of Euclid Geometry was constructed. Like Geometry, when the area equation and Pythagorean theorem came to light, the Egyptians acquired the skills to calculate and divide irregular land. For the first time, the Egyptians could allocate and manage the fertile area around the Nile River, upon which an empire was taking shape. From the upside to the downside of the Nile River, the imperial bureaucracy matured, facilitated by this numeric system.
Similarly, asking and answering the questions like the distance between two wheels, what a written character should look like, and how much a bucket of rice is are all fundamental. The solutions to the above questions unified a loosely connected federation in East Asia. The solution bonded them into one of the most long-lived central regimes in human history.
The use of the compass and the art of navigation answered a fundamental question about how to tell direction and utilize wind power. Humans were able to sail across boundless oceans safely and massively. The invention of the gun was later than the creation of gunpowder because the method to control the power was the gun itself. The gun answered the question that the powder could not answer—how to hurt the enemies standing before me but not myself precisely. The Westerners began their oversea conquest and colony for almost five hundred years by refining the answers to the gunpowder question.
The internal combustion engine answered a fundamental question about how to stably and safely transfer fossil fuel to kinetic energy in a closed space. Humans started to free up all limbs and leap over mountains and continents efficiently, traveling from Boston to Seattle without breaking a sweat. Humans confidently sailed across every large stretch of water, navigated the globe, and even brought back rock and earth samples from other planets.
Nuclear weapons answered a fundamental question about how to unleash the energy in the nucleus. The total war turned into yesterday’s history between even the most combative and hostile nations. For the first time in human history, long-time peace emerged by answering a basic question. Today, we are asking a question that resembles the question of gunpowder—how to tame this tremendous nuclear energy and make it bring us warm food and electricity but not evaporate us to a trace of smoke. Indeed, the interrogated party is not only fundamental science but also a political technique that stays unresolved mainly. Undoubtedly, there would be a social upheaval whenever an adequate answer was given to the fundamental question.
In recent decades, the Internet swept almost every industry by answering a fundamental question about how people could communicate through fiber optic cables and radio waves without meeting each other. Internet altered the communication media. If the word “media” is unduly abstract, please imagine a world without the Internet. Then imagine a world without telephone lines. Then imagine a world without newspapers and mail. Then imagine a world without writing papers. At last, imagine a world without language. Whenever providing a creative answer to how to make communication media cheap and accessible, the world turned upside down—old institutions perished, and a new mode of production formed.
Contemplating a fundamental question humbles the worst megalomaniac. Such questions are, for instance, must food come from harvesting crops or killing animals? Is there a more powerful energy source than nuclear energy, and where is it? How to travel at the speed of light—as of today, humans can travel at supersonic speed, and an ever-flied supersonic commercial airline could travel at Mach 2, which is two times the speed of sound and two in a million the speed of light. Where is the boundary of the universe? Is there any intelligent extraterrestrial life?
Isaac Newton said he was a boy playing pebbles and shells on the seashore, unaware of the great ocean of truth before him. He did not humble himself. It looks more likely that this is humanity’s reality check. Of course, not everything has to be so grand. There are plenty of questions worth answering in solving a work problem, studying a piece of technology, starting a business, and serving a community. Fundamentality is a relative measure, and answering a more fundamental question always generates a bigger reward.
Studying 1 plus 1 equals 2 is significantly more training to mind than computing 8954 to the power of 963. Though it seems counter-intuitive, it is true when thinking about it more—8954 to the power of 963 depends on the result of 1 plus 1. As 1 plus 1 does not equal 2, the method used to calculate 8954 to the power of 963 will be entirely different. As a pure logic hypothesis, 1 plus 1 does not lose its value or profound implications, given its simple form. An elegant solution to a 1 plus 1 problem would give the advantage of answering related high-level questions. Most interestingly, people are not enthusiastic about answering a fundamental question, not because they are overwhelmed to solve it, but because they find it too easy. Some people would always say that it is as simple as 1 plus 1 equals 2.
The conclusion also implies other sub-questions, how to determine whether a question is fundamental enough, how to answer one such question, and which one of intelligence and effort that matters more when solving one. Yet, do these three sub-questions are worth answering much depends on whether the question in the title is indeed the fundamental one. Again, the judgmental call is yours.